Links and resources for group members (and whoever may find these useful):
Group Manual and Code of Conduct
HPC resources
Cheat Sheets
- GitHub Cheat Sheet
- SLURM Cheat Sheet
- SLURM Commands
- Vi Cheat Sheet
- Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet
- How to use Rsync
- File Permissions Explained
Learning Computational Chemistry
- CCPBioSim and CCP5 organise frequent workshops and summer schools
- Thomas Young Centre Course in Materials Modelling
- Coding workshops from software carpentries
Quantum Chemistry Tools
Data visualisation and presentation
- Scientific visualisation book
- Colorblind palette
- Writing figure legends
- Guide for publication quality figures
- Betterposters
- Poster Templates
- Tips for publication-quality plots
- Matplotlib
Software Development
Career Development
- Building and sustaining mentorship as a mentee
- Angela Duckworth’s grit scale
- Career simulator tool
- MyIDP self-evaluation tool
- Soapbox Science is a free and interactive event where women and non-binary scientists communicate their work.
- 500WomenScientists is a global association for women in science that focuses on science advocacy and justice.
- Skype a Scientist connects scientists and classrooms across the globe.